Wes hál!

About us
We are the Wychwood Warriors (aka the Oxford University Historical Reenactment Society) and we recreate life and warfare in Dark Age Wessex. This purpose of this Wiki is to allow our members to share information relating to living history and historical combat, but non-members are welcome to browse. Please use the navigation panel to your left, or the drop-down menus above, to navigate this Wiki. If you are interested in hiring Wychwood for an event or for educational activities, please consult our Official Website.

Contact Us

Please contact us by email to ku.ca.xo.sbulctneduts|yteicos.doowhcyw#ku.ca.xo.sbulctneduts|yteicos.doowhcyw with any enquiries or if you wish to sign up to our mailing list.

You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram:

Wychwood Facebook Page

Wychwood Instagram Page

Wychwood on the web
Official Website
2014 The Oxford Student: Mock mêlées, murderous mayhem, and mead meets
2013 Cherwell Tries: Historical Re-enactment
2010 video of Wychwood by students from Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication
2009 video of Wychwood by those good folks at the Cherwell
2008 video of Wychwood for Oxford University's Cherwell24
2000 Mediaeval Man: Presidential Profile in Keble newsletter

Equality and diversity
Q) Who can join, and are there any restrictions on who can do what?
A) Anybody can join who has an interest in recreating life in early mediaeval Britain. We welcome members of any gender, background or faith. We are opposed to all forms of discrimination; everything is for everybody. Disability may limit the activities that are safe and enjoyable, but we will work with any member to try to maximise their involvement.

Important notices
1) You must acknowledge the Wychwood Warriors when reproducing articles from this Wiki, and include the Wikiwood URL. Any articles or documents copied or downloaded from this site must not be altered or edited in reproduction.
2) Wychwood Warriors cannot and will not be held responsible for any personal injury or damage to possessions resulting from following our guides and fighting scripts. These are designed for our own personal use as responsible and trained re-enactors and should not be used by people without the correct equipment and experience to fight safely. We do not recommend their use by anyone other than training officers of established re-enactment societies.

Notes for members
If you're a Wychwooder who wants to join Wikiwood, please read the How To Use the Wiki page.
When creating or editing a page, please keep a consistent style. A template has been created to help you do this.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 License.